On Reconnections

imageHike #5 of 2016

10 years ago, we were jumping into the pool after formals in our underwear. We lost touch after I graduated and haven’t really seen or spoken to each other since. We reconnected recently because I reached out and now we’re hiking, in appropriate (and apparently matching) clothing, like civilized people.

See, here’s the thing about reconnections. Unless you ran into each other totally at random, one person made the effort to reconnect and the other person was open to it. It didn’t happen unexpectedly. It was a conscious decision. Let’s not romanticize it and make it something that it isn’t. It’s not fate. It’s not destiny. Not what’s meant to be but what you wanted it to be.

We Are All Kings


Game 5 was a freaking roller coaster. One of the worst 1st periods I’ve ever seen the Kings play. Then a major comeback in the 2nd. Only to be crushed in the 3rd. My poor heart.

The last time I witnessed the handshake line, the Kings swept the Blues. We were on the losing end this time around, but it is still the best damn tradition in professional sports.

‘Till next season, boys 🙋

Go Kings Go!

On Healing

I saw this on Instagram and it really resonated with me…


Instead of beating myself up for not magically getting over T, I have accepted my sadness and am continuing to let myself heal. It’s ridiculous to believe that such an abrupt change in my life wouldn’t impact me in any way. But day by day, it gets easier. Day by day, I feel stronger. On some days, I find myself wanting to cry, and honestly, that’s OK. For now, it really is OK to not be OK.